Sunday, April 23, 2006

Dear Spam

Dear Spam,

I do not own a house. Your mortgage rates may in fact be as astoundingly low as you claim, but they are of no use to me. I have no finance to re-finance. You are wasting zeroes and ones by advertising your rates to me.

Nor, for that matter, do I have the income to support a new house, even though I'm sure the Florida real estate you're offering is quite nice.

I am quite happy with the size of my manhood. Really. I'm satisfied with its girth and length, and those other individuals who've had cause to interact with it have never expressed disappointment. Further, I must consider the possibility that significant increase from its current size might in fact cause injury to my girlfriend, of whom I am reasonably fond. I do not have any interest in increasing my schlong's size, though I'm sure your product would be effective if I did.

Along the same lines, I have no troubles attaining an erection, and thus while I am certain
your prices for Viagra and Cialis are quite reasonable, I have no need for them. Similarly, my stamina is quite sufficient at the moment. I appreciate your concern, of course, but I simply do not require your product.

I will be graduating in less than a week with a very useful Batchelor's degree from a respected university. I am, in fact, very much aware of the greater opportunities provided to individuals who hold a college degree - which is why I have attained one. Gosh, your prices are very low. But heck, it's too late now, I've already just about finished up my Pitt degree. In the future, should I desire an MBA or PhD, I may investigate your undoubtedly respected institution that promises a degree without studies, but for the time being I fear that additional credentials might overqualify me for the entry-level positions I am seeking.

Wristwatches give me rashes, whether they are replicas of Rolexes or not. Thanks anyway!

I have a great deal of high-value software from being a student, and what I lack I tend to procure from open-source projects. OEM software may be cheap, but I don't need it. I don't use Windows XP at all, so it doesn't matter how cheap you can offer it.

I am extremely sorry to hear about your father, sir. And I do wish you good luck in retrieving the millions of US dollars he hid in a van that is now in Sierra Leone. But I am, as I noted earlier, a poor college student, and thus I cannot afford the bribes, money transfer charges, etc. which you have requested of me. I hope someone else will be able to aid you.

Once again, I have no extra income, so while I appreciate you letting me know about this amazing stock purchase - goodness, that does seem like a great buy! - I really can't do anything about it. Sorry.

Perhaps you're not familiar with me - I have no need to lose weight; such an action might in fact be unhealthy. And while some additional muscle might be nice, I think I'd rather go about it the more conventional way, with exercise, rather than your pills. But thanks for the offer!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Spam,

I do not require your services to 'make me a better man,' as I am, in fact, a woman. I do not wish to increase the size of my penis, as I in fact lack one and have no desire to acquire one. I do not require aid to shock and ASTOUND my girlfriend, as I do not have one, and I think my current significant other would be rather dismayed instead of pleased by the unexpected appearance of such an organ. I do not need advice on how to seduce and pleasure ladies. I do not need to meet sexy 18-year-old ladies through your dating service, and I really do not know from where you got the idea that I was interested in seeing a 17-year-old blond virgin be raped by a dog. I really don't.
